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ORDERS: 800-622-0503 TEL: 603-622-0500 FAX: 603-644-7073 EMAIL: info@tse-isdn.com

Lucent Miscellaenous ISDN Equipment |
The 507A Digital Interface Adapter connects analog equipment to an ISDN set equipped with an adjunct jack. This adapter works with conventional 2-wire analog devices (telephone answering machines, facsimilie machines, and external alerting devices). The adapter has two connecting jacks (an 8-position keyed jack for the ISDN set and a 6-position jack for the analog device). Power is supplied from the digital telephone through the 8-position jack. The adapter can be used with all (FP2 or later) ISDN 6508, 750X, and 850X telephones.
The Lucent 500AM is a Headset Adapter that works with most Lucent / AT&T digital telephone sets including the ISDN 650X, 750X and 850X model sets. Other options include a built-in P10 Adapter and a Music-on-hold Interface. |
Message Detailed Recording (MDR) Translator - The MDR Jr. or MDR Plus can serve as an interface between a 5ESS Switch and a customer provided Call Accounting System (CAS). The MDR Jr. supports up to 200 lines. The MDR Plus is unlimited in regards to the amount of supported lines. In addition, the MDR Plus has the ability to interface a Lucent Technologies Basic Communications Package (BCP) to deliver MDR and Traffic Data Systems (TDS). BCP is a hardware / software package designed to gather and report information from multiple Centrex and / or PBX Switches.
MDR Jr. ED5D709(30) Grp 19 601 864 564 MDR Plus ED5D709(30) Grp 18 601 864 556
Simplified Message Service Interface (SMSI) Translator provides a user configurable interface between an ISDN Applications Processor Interface (API) connected to a Lucent Technologies 5ESS Switch and a customer provided Voicemail / Messaging System (VMS). Alternately, the 3A SMSI Translator may be configured to provide Bulk Calling Line Identification (BSLID) messages. BCLID delivers caller ID for multiple DNS to a central location.
SMSI ED5D709(30) Grp 20 601 864 549 Release 3.09 SMSI ED5D709(30) Grp 10b 601 325 335 Early Release 3.07 |